Wednesday, March 28, 2007

When is it really time to call it quits....with a friend or lover?

How do you know when something is really over. Whether it is a relationship with a friend, or lover? When is it just time to give up , cut your losses and move on?
Over the past month or so i have been noticing a difference in some of my friendships. I have begun to notice people changing, or maybe it is me changing. Either way, i can feel the other person slipping away, and yet i have no idea what to do to stop it from happening. For example, My best friend (whom i have been incredibly close to since about eighth grade), no longer seems to have interest in getting together just to sit around and talk, or go out to dinner just to catch up on the past days events. Instead he chooses to consume every last ounce of time and energy with another individual, in this case, his girlfriend.
Now i did not begin to explain this dilemma in an attempt to either get some sort of pity or some sort of cathardic whining and complaining forum, but really all i want to do is try and figure out when it is really time to give up and move on. Most of us at one time or another, have experienced this with a friend or romantic relationship. Sometimes, nothing is wrong exactly, the two people are just no longer the people they were when they began the relationship.
In looking back on my past relationships it is clear that my last serious relationship simply didnt work because both of us grew into different people than we were years earlier. Does this really happen with friends too? Do friendships really have an expiration date?
Also related to this, is staying friends with someone you were once romantically involved with? Is it even possible. In my experience it isnt. And even when a sincere attempt is made, it usually involves a conversation littered with kniving little comments, intentional hidden insults, and in the end usually an excessive amount of tears at the end of the night by one or both of the people involved. You see, the problem is that when you know someone as well as you know an ex, you know exactly how to hurt them, where to hurt them, and even worst of all, how to kick them when they are down. So really, in my experience it is very veryt unlikely that any ex-relationship could turn into a healthy friendhship. What do u think?

Monday, March 26, 2007

Back from the Weekend....

This past weekend, i had a skating carnival in plattsville. For most people it isnt a very big deal, however for those of us in it, it is ALOT of hard work and LONG HOURS put into what seems like 3 extremely short shows. It seemed like each show was like 20 minutes when in reality they were each about 2 full hours. Alot of friends and family fo the skaters came to help support us in our show and overall it went pretty well. We, as the skaters even choreographed a special tribute number for our coaches to show our immense appreciation and love for them. However, after this weekend. I am quite glad that it is over for now, just because it will be nice to have time to do nothing, and catch up on homework (like writers craft for example) that i haven't had time for the past two weeks.
On another note, in philosophy, i am in a debate about the potential banning of music videos that portray women in a derogatory or disrespectful way, with the inclusion of violent images involving women. I have strong feelings towards this banning as i feel that it is extremely inappropriate, that we as a society feel that it is important to censor and put special ratings on movies and television programs that contain controversial, violent, sexual or profane images, however, when it comes to having half naked girls dancing around in a music video to a song that contains numerous profanities, it is remarkable to me that we do not feel the obligation to protect our children from such images being aired during the daytime hours without so much as an indication that the upcoming video may be inappropriate for some audiences.
I think that it is impossible to monitor children 100% of the time, and therefore it is the responsibility of the broad casting authorities to make the call that these images are inappropriate in our society, and directly conflict with our society's values and something needs to be done immediately, to protect our youth from these inappropraite images that they will be exposed to, that could potentially cause the wrongful treatment and inequality of women.
Just my thoughts....and preparationf or my debate. Any comments?Let me know what you think...

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Back from March Break....

Well, today was my first day back from March Break and as i walked into school today my reaction was anything but enthusiastic. The one week holiday that most of us recently had, was seemed like nothing but work for me. I worked 8 consecutive days starting thurs until friday ( nine and a half hour days) and to say the least, i did not feel refreshed at all after this work. Then i spent Saturday at a skating competition, which only exhausted me more. For all those fortunate people who were able to kick back, relax, and go some place hot i am definitely envious. Now, more than ever, i am pale pale pale and am very jealous of all you lucky ones with wonderful tans. So now, i am back at school and didnt have much of a vacation, but there is an upside...i get to see all my friends that i missed for that week and hear about all their great vacations. Until i manage to find a trip of my own to go on, i guess i will just need to live vicariously through all those tanned individuals we see in our halls. In the upcoming months i am looing forward to warm weather and summer clothes, and i can't wait to permanantly say goodbye to scraping off the car in the morning (well, at least until next winter).

What else is going on with me?Hmmm......well the idea of univeristy decision is still looming and is becoming more stressful than ever. How can you really know if you are making the right choice? I mean not only is it simply where you want to go and what you want to do, but its also such a huge financial decision, and if you make the wrong choice it could cost thousands. For now though, i am just trying to not be str essed and see what falls into place.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

If you knew you would die tomorrow...

I just read Cole's blog about his book where all the people are jsut waiting to die. What would i do if i knew i was going to die? well, one thing is for sure, if i knew i would die tomorrow, i am sure i wouldn't be sitting here and writing a blog right now. But io agree with you. We are all essentially waiting to die. Many of us have years and years to wait but we could get in a fatal car crash tomorrow, or contract some deadly disease. We just don't know when our end will be. This comment made me think of that movie, Life or Something Like it, with Angleina Jolie in it. This guy tells her all these prohphecies that will come true and the last one is a week from then and he says she will die. She changes her whole view on life, before she was socold and career centrered and didn't worry much about relationships or other personal aspects of life, and by the end of the movie, the idea of dying made her appreciate life in a whole new way. This idea is portrayed in a much sicker way in the SAW movies. The idea that you only can truly appreciate living once you have been within an inch of death. So what would i do if i knew i would die tomorrow? honestly, i have no idea, all i know is that i am sure it would change the way i look at life and make me seize every opportunity.
As a comment to Meg's blog about campaign week...
I know all about how much work blitz day and the whole campaign week is, becase of laying a big role in Joshua's campaign. It's alot of work and alot of fun and i think you guys are doing a great job. I am voting for TROY, no worries, so i am definitely in agreement, on friday VOTE TROY!
As a comment to Meg's blog about campaign week...
I know all about how much work blitz day and the whole campaign week is, becase of laying a big role in Joshua's campaign. It's alot of work and alot of fun and i think you guys are doing a great job. I am voting for TROY, no worries, so i am definitely in agreement, on friday VOTE TROY!
Almost March Break! Where did all the time go?

Things seem to move so incredibly fast. I cannot believe that it is almost march break. It feels like this whole year so far has just been one big blurr and it is increasinly speeding up and becomes harder and harder to remember as the days go on. I thought last year went by fast but this year it is even more so.
I am still in disbelief that university decisions need to be made in the upcoming months and like alot of other students, i am a little unsure if i am making the right choices.
Projects, homework and tests seem to come and go so fast it is a wonder that any of us ever find the time for things. By the time June comes around it will feel like we have been in school for like a month, time just flies by.

Mean what you say....Say what you mean...

On another note.....there is something that got me thinking this weekend. When someone is drunk do they say what they really mean but are too shy to express when sober, or is it the opposite and they say things that they don't mean when they are drunk because their mind is simply too clouded to actually mean what they say. In my past experiences i would definitely agree with the latter option, that a drunk person can not possibly mean whatever they are rambling on about, with slurred words and unstable posture, however, over the recent weekend, i have slightly changed my opinion. I am now of the opinion that alcohol can be the catalyst to have someone express their thoughts in a way that they are unable to when their thought process and self-restraint are in full effect. So.....what can we learn from this? If you haev something in the back of your mind that you don't feel comfortable saying but feel or think, you probably shouldn't get drunk because 9 times out of 10 your opinion will come out whether you actually want it to or not.
This also moves to another point. If you feel or think something about someone you should tell them. If we as an entire school have learned anything at all this year, it is that life is far too short and you can't control what will happen today, tomorrow or even a year from now. All that we can control is what we do, and if you feel somehting, or think something, tell the person because the worst thing in the world is regret of something that you didn't do.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

What is a good person?!

In philosophy we have been talking about what makes a good person and that got me thinking, and i wonder if its hard enough to answer what makes a good person i wonder how anyone can define what makes a bad person?
Ofcourse there is an obvious definition that if someone murders or rapes someone then there is a pretty good chance that they are a bad person. But even then, there is the circmstance of self-defence in the case of murder. And then ofcourse that begs the question of forgiveness and remorse as well as simply having a lapse in judgement.
I think in my opinion, being a good person is very very relative. I know many people who i would say are good people in comparison to theives and murderers, but in contrast, if i was comparing these people to chairty workers and other giving, selfless individuals they really would not shine. I think that if someone does acts in the mind of bettering themselves and the lives of others than they are a good person. No matter what the outcome, as long as their intentions and heart are honorable and selfless then i think that they can be deemed a good person.
Connected with this discussion we had, was a tribute assignment, where we were asked to write about someone that we feel is a good person. Many different people came to my mind, but my mom was the one person that stood out to me. Ofcourse i am slighlty biased because it is my mom, but i also feel ver very lucky to have such a great parent that i would want to write about. Many people come to school talking about their paretns ad the frustrations they are having, but with me , my mom is incredibly understanding and trusts me alot. I think that her being such a good person is what has made me become the way i am, and that makes me incredibly fortunate.
What do you think makes a good person?How do you know?Who would you put in that category?
Valentine's Day has come and gone...

Hello again. I never have a whole lot to say. But i haven't written in a while, so i am hoping to find a little inspiration.
Valentine's Day just passed and i find it to be a pretty ridiculous holiday, like many other people seem to think. However, coming from someone who has had several valentines days not being single, it at least forces guys to be slightly romantic, lol. I am a firm believer that in a relationship nice gestures, and cute remarks should be made simply because the person feels the urge to do something sweet or show their affection for someone, instead of being sucked into participating in a holiday by buying into the whole idea of spending money on flowers that will die in a few short days or going to a lavish dinner because otherwise you will be guilted for not doing anything extra special. In my personal experience if you care about someone you will want to do special things for them everyday of the year, not jsut because its a specific day and a TV commerical told you to buy your girlfriend diamonds. But whatever, Valentines day will always remain and there will always be people who buy into it all. I guess the only difference is that in my opinion its much sweeter to have something special done for you three weeks later just because you are you.
There are my thoughts on that....other than that....hmm.....Univeristy offers have started to come in. I was so stressed that i wouldnt get into any programs so i applied to like 7 or so and so far i have been accepted into 3. Which actually makes the whole situation more complicated and stressful because now i have to decide between them.
Anyways...i have more homework to do as i am done writing for today. Until i write again...

Saturday, February 03, 2007


Well....i finally got the new blogger thing to work. It took forever for me to get it without a computer freezing. So i guess that my goal of writing a repsonse every night this week didn't work out, bu definitely not because of a lack of trying.
But i seem to be on a roll of writing today i wrote my poetry assignment (WAY OVERDUE!) and my whole short story, all seven pages of it. So now i figured before i go to sleep i would get this thing working, and what do u know, it worked! So, Cvetich said we should write about important things, in the news and such, so that got me thinking about current issues and then i happened to go to philosophy class where VanEek wa discussing the concept of capital punishment. So i guess i could talk about my opinion on that.
So...killing someone because they killed someone?That makes alot of sense right?Wrong! My personal feeling is that it is never ok to take someone's life, no matter the circumstances. I feel that by sendng a person to prison for life without parole is much better solution. Not only are we not supporting the idea of "two wrongs make a right" but we are also forcing hte person to fae themseleves everyday and think about what they have done and feel the shame and guilt that go along with it.i would much rather support using tax money to keeping a murderer or rapist in prison to suffer and deal with their actions than grant them the easy eay out and commit the same act that they did by taking their life away. Anyone reading this may or may not agree with me, but we talked about it in philosphy so i thought i would mention it on here. Let me know what you think about it, whether you agree or disagree it is definitely a controversial topic. I am tired and will be heading to bed, until we meet again...

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

I am still trying to find the time to write in this thing, in fact this week my goal is to write every night and see what happens. Wish me luck... for my weekend, on friday i helped to run and participated in dusk 2 dawn. Although we did not have as many participants as we had hoped, the event went over better than i personally had expected. If we do end up running the event again next year (which in my opinion is very doubtful) i think that there are definitely a few changes that could be implicated to make things better.
It seems like deadlines are coming up faster and faster slowly drowning me. I feel like in every class i have something due, over due or in the process of being due. i have an overwhelming amount of work and it seems like a huge struggle to find any motivation whatsoever to get it done. In Mr. VanEek's philosophy class he talked about something he calls' "senior-itis" which is what i think i am suffering from. It's that uncontrolable feeling of not being motivated and failing to see how important school work really is. On top of this lack of motivation i am getting really sick, which isn't exactly encouraging. I have that horrible swollen throat, that makes it feel like an impossible feat just to swallow occasionally and my head feels like it has swollen up to the size of a balloon that is simply waiting for the perfect opportunity to explode. I have been taking cold medicine and vitamins like crazy and i am just trying to avoid getting any sicker. I would take the time to stay in bed and rest but i just don't hae the time becuase of all the deadlines i have. In any case, i am tring to write more and maybe one of these times i will have something profound and genius to throw at you. Until then...